We believe in providing our customers with high-quality, premium beef, which is why we’re proud to offer USDA Certified Tender and USDA Certified Very Tender beef. These designations, verified through USDA process-verified programs, ensure you’ll enjoy a consistently tender and flavorful meal every time.
But what exactly does "Certified Tender" mean? And why should you choose it for your next meal? Let’s take a closer look at these USDA certifications.
What is USDA Certified Tender and Very Tender?
USDA Certified Tender and USDA Certified Very Tender labels are awarded to beef that meets strict standards for tenderness. The beef is tested through a process that measures the force needed to shear through the meat, simulating the experience of chewing. This ongoing testing ensures that shoppers receive the most tender, succulent bite every time, without the use of chemicals, marinades, or mechanical tenderization.
These certifications guarantee that the beef contains no additional ingredients, chemicals, flavors, or tenderizers. Only naturally tender beef is approved. Four Sixes Ranch Brand is the exclusive online source for USDA Certified Tender and Very Tender beef, offering premium quality without any artificial enhancements.
When you see the USDA Certified Tender or Very Tender label, you can be assured of the following:
Tenderness Assurance: The Certified Tender designation means the beef cuts have met the USDA’s strict criteria for tenderness. It’s not just a label—it’s a promise that every steak will be as tender as possible.
Premium Beef: Certified Tender and Very Tender beef contains no additives, chemicals, artificial flavors, or tenderizers. It’s all-natural, premium beef that hasn’t been mechanically tenderized. What you’re getting is pure beef, raised and processed the right way.
Uncompromised Quality: We take pride in the quality of our beef. The USDA Certified Tender and Very Tender labels ensure that our steaks meet the highest standards, delivering the optimal eating experience for you and your family.
Whether you're preparing a special meal for your family or hosting guests, USDA Certified Tender and Very Tender* beef from Four Sixes Ranch Brand Beef offers a dining experience unlike any other. Our beef meets elevated USDA standards for tenderness and quality, delivering a delicious meal for your table.
*For more information on the USDA Process Verified Program, visit processverified.usda.gov.